Kim Crowder

Lives in Nature

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Kim Crowder and Hobbe the dog on the Brown Caterthun, the White Catherthun in the background, 9th of September 2021
Photo: P. F. White, © 2022.

Kim Crowder is a writer, visual artist and researcher. She holds a PhD in Visual Anthropology from Goldsmiths, University of London. Her current work focuses on aspects of nature, rural lives and the histories of people, places and things. Through writing and images she draws together nature, culture, ethnography, history and memory.

Kim Crowder now lives close to the Glens of Angus, overlooking the Vale of Strathmore, in Scotland.

Unless otherwise acknowledged, all material is © Kim Crowder and may not be reproduced or copied in any form without written consent.
Site by Allpicture. Proof reading and copy editing by Crowdercopy. These pages were last updated 2nd April 2022